Thursday 20th May 2021 at 10.30-12.30:
- Welcome to new network members.
- Short status on the challenges in article 42.3.b-d for public authorities.
- Directive 2014/24/EU and referencing of standards. Søren Jensen, DanSense.
- Article 42.3 and referencing of European Technical Assessments (ETA’s) in technical specifications.
- What is it, and how should we reference them in public procurement? Could ETS’s be beneficial for sustainable development? By Mr. Thomas Bruun, managing director in ETA Denmark.
- Referencing of European harmonised standards in public procurement
- How and why should we reference European harmonized standards in public procurement. By Mr. Kåre Groes, The Danish Energy Agency.
- Good examples in integrating Article 42.3.b-d in public procurement.
- A new climate agenda, and ways to reference Green House Gasses (GHG) in public procurement.
- Sustainable building renovation and requirements in technical specifications.
- New and relevant standards developed in public procurement.
- By Christina Thorngreen, CENCENELEC
- Any other business.
- Discussing national challenges. Latest news in training. Next meeting, and open floor.