Introduction to CSR, eco-labeling, life cycle assessment and specific environmental challenges in the construction sector
A course in the series: "Simplified procurement"
Focus is increasing on environmental issues, and especially on re-use or recycling of products. Many obstacles are met when it comes to the construction sector, but many opportunities are also popping up.
This workshop will, based on challenges in the construction sector, show a number of practical examples and come up with specific solutions on how to ensure e more sustainable development of the sector and increase use of building materials.
Participants: Public sector, procurement officers and daily procurers. Private sector, suppliers to public sector. Note, that courses will be held separately for the public and private sector.
Time: 3 hours
Place: Locally, where agreed
The price differs, depending on the actual requirement, if only the presentation is needed, or if DanSense invites and holds the training courses. Transport expenses are excluded in the price. Contact DanSense for further information.