Sustainable Building Renovation
As a contracting authority with focus on numerous details when planning public tenders, it can be hard to work out which environmental characteristics to include as requirements in procurement documents to reduce climate impacts as well as environmental impacts. Adding the need to also reference standards related to works, supplies, or services – then things may start to look impossible!
This guide introduces the most known standardisation aspects and most relevant environmental aspects to consider when planning a tender within building renovation, demolition, and new construction.
It also indicates the context the requirements should be set in to start the journey towards sustainable procurement, and it shows how it can be documented using recognised standards.
The numerous references to related publications make the guide useable as a reference work, helping to understand different terms and how to use them correctly when developing technical specifications.
In the years to come, focus on sustainable development in the construction sector will only increase, and so will requirements to the sector in general, why it is important to start addressing the possibilities already available.
The guide does not aim at being a complete advice on how to reference all potentially relevant standards or all environmental aspects for all tenders on construction works. It aims at providing a first overall guidance for setting of requirements through examples and better knowledge on relevant terms to address.
Purchase the guide here Training in sustainable building renovation
Examples on sustainability projects
Lejre Municipality
As client advisor on a complete renovation of a kindergarten, an outdoor swimcenter, and a sportscenter at the same time, reducing energy consumption with up to 80 %, eliminating use of fossil fuels and improving facilities at the same time, including work environment. The five year follow-up in 2019 showed that the energy consumption was reduced with 71%, and the general satisfaction on the use of the facilities was high.
Kiev Municipality, Ukraine
Energy mapping of a Kindergarten as example on proposal on investments and financial proposal including presentation of potential for energy renovation of 1200 public buildings in the city.
Naestved Municipality, Denmark
Energy mapping and proposal for sustainable renovation of “Birkebjergparken”, a social housing project and preparation for public tender. Besides energy renovations also considerable improvement of living circumstances in the apartments.
Roskilde Utilities, Denmark
Construction of solar power plant producing 1100 MWh (Photovoltaics) as client advisor for Roskilde utility services ( for reducing total consumption of electricity for wastewater treatment and pumping of potable water.
Birkegaarden, Roskilde Municipality, Denmark
Construction of large willow tree wastewater treatment plant producing biomass for energy production reducing the CO2 footprint in a private social institution. At the same time construction of a solar power plant (Photovoltaics) for supplementing heat production and reducing the level of bought electricity.
Odsherred Efterskole, Denmark
As client advisor on a total energy renovation with the aim of reducing total energy consumption with 70 % and eliminating use of fossil fuels. The 8000m2 school is now heated with thermal heating based on electricity produced by the sun, reducing the annual CO2 footprint to 0%. Several buildings for students were renovated at the same time.