Electronic procurement
A course in the series: "Simplified procurement"
Fortunately, public procurement is becoming more and more electronic. Soon end-to-end electronic public procurement will be possible. This gives a lot of new and good potentials for reducing costs and ensuring correct deliverables according to contracts. But how do we prepare for it, without buying systems, that are not ready for it?
The course will focus obstacles and potentials when considering using electronic tendering systems as well as contracts management systems. It will also come up with specific suggestions for ensuring better end-to-end procurement electronically for the benefit of reduced costs.
Participants: Public sector, procurement officers and daily procurers.
Time: 3 hours
Place: Locally, where agreed
The price differs, depending on the actual requirement, if only the presentation is needed, or if DanSense invites and holds the training courses. Transport expenses are excluded in the price. Contact DanSense for further information.